
Båtlaget gaia


Report from the third part of the voyage

Peel- Dublin

We had great wind out of Peel harbour and I think we made quite an impression setting sail and disappearing in 10 knots out of the harbour. We almost didn’t have time to wave goodbye before we disappeared in the horizon. Had a great sail straight back towards Scotland, but had to take down the sail to even reach Ireland as planned. We reached The coast of Northern Ireland again and slowly moved south towards Dublin. We got to do some sailing but unfortunately the sail came undone and we had to take it down for repairs. We arrived at the docks with oars out to a whole armade of press and TV and did interviews both papers and tv over here and back home. The Norwegian embassy was represented and also some member from Borre Viking crew that are sailing with us further south in Ireland in a couple of days. So now we have a few days in Dublin before us. With open boat, receptions and also some sightseeing. We also have to repair the sail before we head on.




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